BlackPlanet Verified User Status

The verified badge on Black Planet lets people know that an account is authentic. To receive the verified badge, your account must be authentic, active and complete.

  1. Identity Verification Process

To encourage and maintain trust between users on the platform, you will need to confirm your identity with Black Planet in order to be verified.

The verification process requires you to submit 2 selfies while making poses that will be given to you. These photos must clearly match your profile photo in order to be approved.

  • Authentic Requirements 

The account must have a confirmed email address and successful completion of the above identity verification process 

  • Active Status Requirements

Active use: You must have logged into the account in the last three months;

  • Completeness Requirements

In order for your account to be considered complete, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must have a nickname, not required to be your legal name
  • You must have a profile image that is an accurate image of yourself
  1. Ineligible accounts

Certain accounts are ineligible for the verified badge, regardless of the above criteria, including: 

  • Parody, newsfeed, commentary, and unofficial fan accounts;
  • Pets and fictional characters, unless directly affiliated with a verified Company, Brand, or Organization, or with a verified entertainment production, as described above;
  • Accounts engaged in severe violations of our Platform manipulation and spam policy, such as  the buying and selling of followers and engagement; and 
  • Accounts of individuals or groups associated with coordinated harmful activity, or hateful content as defined in the Black Planet Community Guidelines
  1. Loss of verified status

Black Planet may remove the verified badge and verified status of an account at any time and without notice.

You may lose your badge if you change your nickname (@username), if your account becomes inactive or incomplete, or if you violate the guidelines covered in the Black Planet Community Guidelines.

This includes: 

  • Impersonation or Intentionally misleading people on Black Planet
  • Severe violations that result in immediate account suspension.
  • Repeat violations in posts, including but not limited to: 
  • Hateful conduct
  • Abusive behavior
  • Glorification of violence
  • Civic integrity policy
  • Private information policy
  • Platform manipulation and spam policy

Removal of the badge based on repeated violations will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and is not automatic.